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Paul’s Law: Revised Sentences for Juvenile Offenders

Can people change? 如果一个成年人犯了谋杀罪,那么这个人就会在法庭上受审,如果被判有罪,就会被关进监狱. What if a child commits murder? 如果那个孩子在成人法庭被判有罪,并被判处比他或她活着时多一倍的刑期,那么真正的正义得到了伸张吗? 还是说,一个人的发育阶段是否足够动态,足以表明一个少年罪犯可以继续领导一个富有成效的, happy life? Paul's Law, which passed in 2013, addresses that very issue. 保罗·金格里奇12岁时在韦恩堡外45英里处参与谋杀了他朋友的继父, Indiana. 在致命的枪击事件发生后,他们计划逃离小镇,但孩子们不同意 ...

Divorce Monday: The Holidays’ Last Hurrah

Another holiday season has passed. The decorations are put away. The music on the radio is back to normal. The hustle and bustle is practically nonexistent. Of course, 假期通常会留下一些不愉快的事情:信用卡账单, increased waistline, and... divorce. 是的,申请结束婚姻是一种不受欢迎的残余,而且令人惊讶地普遍存在. 一月的第一个工作日被称为“离婚星期一”,这是非常普遍的.” Falling on January 9 this year, 这个不吉利的日子标志着离婚诉讼最繁忙月份之一的开始. 根据美国婚姻律师学会主席的说法,离婚案件 ...

Handling Long-Distance Visitation

Legally speaking, childhood lasts only 18 years. The rest of life is considered adulthood. 有了这么大的差距,难怪我们失去了童年的感觉. 尽管如此,成人的情况对孩子影响很大,离婚也不例外. 这并不是说离婚对家庭中的每个人来说都不是最好的选择, but when you're caught up in the hullabaloo of the adult aspects, keep in mind the kid POV. 没有人确切地知道该说些什么或做些什么来帮助孩子们在任何形式的分割监护权计划中茁壮成长. 但至关重要的是,试着挖掘你自己的生活标记,记住成年人的互动——尤其是你与父母的关系——是如何让你感到快乐的 ...

Ignition Interlock Devices

In many states, including both Indiana and Kentucky, 被判酒后驾驶(DUI)或醉酒驾驶(OWI)会导致你的驾驶执照被吊销或吊销, in addition to potential jail time and fines. However, in some situations, 在一个人的车辆上安装点火联锁装置,可能会在定罪后保留他的执照. 印第安纳州和肯塔基州有时会使用这些设备作为暂停或吊销个人执照的替代方案. What Are Ignition Interlock Devices? 设计了一种点火联锁装置(通常也称为呼吸酒精点火联锁装置) ...

Shedding Light On Domestic Violence During October

Domestic violence is a situation that changes lives. 对施虐者来说,这是一种犯罪行为,它可能对受害者的精神健康和身体构成威胁. 家庭暴力的发生比大多数人愿意承认的要频繁得多. It could involve a coworker, an acquaintance or a neighbor and it could be such a secret, that many people might never know it is happening. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, http://www.cdc.每七个男性中就有一个报告家庭暴力,每四个女性中就有一个报告家庭暴力. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the United States. 把它放在一边是为了引起人们对v ...

Legality of Road Blocks in Indiana and Kentucky

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 与酒精有关的事故每年给社会造成的损失超过1320亿美元. In an effort to deter people from driving under the influence (DUI), many law enforcement agencies use sobriety checkpoints. While reducing alcohol-related wrecks is a worthy goal, that goal cannot infringe on the rights of drivers. 路障必须以特定的方式设置才能合法. Generally, they must be publicized in advance, officer discretion must be eliminated as much as possible, 除非警察有充分的理由相信司机喝了酒,否则不能进行化学检测. Back in 1990, the Supreme Court rule ...

Current Gun Laws in Indiana and Kentucky

美国宪法第二修正案的含义是一个经常引发激烈讨论的诉讼话题. In a 2008 decision, 最高法院将其解释为授予个人拥有枪支的权利,目的包括自卫. 合法获得这些枪支的参数因州而异, 肯塔基州和印第安纳州的法律比其他许多州都要宽松. In fact, 布雷迪结束枪支暴力运动根据30项与枪支和弹药有关的政策,对所有50个州的枪支法律进行了评分, including procedures for lost or stolen firearms, background checks, and preventing ...

Did You Get a Traffic Ticket in Indiana?

Sometimes you see the police car lying in wait. Other times, the flashing lights behind you are a complete surprise. 所有司机都有过这样的经历:希望那辆巡洋舰要么原地不动,要么追着别的车过去. 他们中的许多人也知道当希望变成恐惧的感觉,因为很明显警察想让他们靠边停车. When that happens, 你可能很清楚自己违反了哪条交通法规,也可能什么都不知道, but once you get a ticket, it’s time to focus on the consequences. Generally, Indiana traffic tickets are dealt with on a county level. In the small print, you’ll find that your choices are to go to court ...

How Businesses Are Treated in Divorce Actions

关于离婚的讨论通常围绕着两个话题:孩子和财产. For many small business owners, 这两个主题之间的界限是模糊的,担忧是相似的. After all, building a successful business takes a lot of heart, sweat, time, dedication, and patience. 当离婚的不确定性越来越大时,人们通常会想知道自己的生意会发生什么. Most notably, how much will you have to share? Is my soon to be ex-spouse entitled to half? And, as with many legal questions, the answer is: it depends. First, it matters exactly when the business began. 如果它是在结婚前开始的,那么它在结婚时的价值是分开的 ...

What Happens When You Decide to Sue

决定起诉某人并不是一件轻率的事情. We’ve all heard jokes about how litigious American society is, and while it’s true that a lot of lawsuits get filed, many are quite legitimate. 无辜的人如果因为别人的鲁莽行为而受到伤害,理应得到补偿. 坚持履行合同的当事人应当能够执行合同条款. 认为分开过得更好的夫妇必须想办法解除婚姻关系. Although generalities can be discussed, 重要的是要注意,每一个诉讼都是基于一组独特的情况, and the steps that lead to resolve one situat ...

How to File for Divorce in Indiana

Divorce is one of life’s greatest stressors, and the process can often seem confusing and complicated, especially if there are issues such as shared children, homes, and assets involved or grounds for contention. Even if you and your spouse agree on most issues, 你需要确保一切都符合印第安纳州的法律, including meeting residency requirements, filling out and fi[...]