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Violent Crimes

如果你在印第安纳州被指控暴力犯罪, you may be facing stiff penalties. The nature of the alleged crime, 造成的伤害以及造成伤害的方式会影响判决的执行. No matter the allegation, defendants are innocent until proven guilty, and it’s the prosecution, not the defense, who has the burden of proof. 如果你面临这些指控,你需要和律师谈谈,这样你就可以决定下一步该怎么做.

有许多法规涵盖了造成人员伤亡或涉及暴力威胁的犯罪行为. Here are some of them.

Indiana Murder Charges

谋杀通常是故意的,非法的夺取他人的生命. 印第安纳州有一条谋杀法规(有杀人意图)和过失杀人法,包括故意过失杀人法(在“激情高涨”时杀人)和过失杀人法(意外杀死他人)。. 该州对谋杀可能的处罚根据事件的具体情况而有所不同, including the ages of the alleged perpetrator and victim, and how the victim was murdered.

There are many potential defenses in a murder case. 如果法官或陪审团相信被告无罪,就会作出无罪判决. There are partial defenses, such as self-defense or intoxication, 如果被告承认造成了死亡但在某些情况下谋杀指控并不合适. The incident may have been manslaughter. 或者可能有减刑的因素应该在量刑时考虑.

如果一个人被认定犯有谋杀罪,并且事实证明有理由判处死刑,则可判处死刑. In murder cases, there are two phases to a trial. The first is to determine whether the defendant is guilty. If there is a guilty verdict, the next issue is sentencing. During the sentencing hearing, 可能会有证据显示可证明判处死刑的加重因素或可导致法官或陪审团作出反对死刑判决的减轻因素.

Indiana Voluntary Manslaughter Charges

如果一个人在没有时间冷静下来的情况下,出于激情或愤怒而故意杀死另一个人,则可能被指控故意过失杀人. 它可以适用于这样的情况:杀戮是在引起情绪兴奋的情况下造成的(被认为是“突然发热”),一个理智的人会以同样的方式行事. 如果被告在杀人前有时间思考情况冷静下来, it would be considered a murder.

这种类型的指控可能适用于这样的情况:一个人在防御攻击者时反应过度,杀死了另一个人, 或者当一个人发现他或她的配偶与另一个人发生性关系并杀死其中一人或两人时. 如果发现后过了一段时间受害的配偶花时间准备杀人并实施, that could be a murder charge.


Indiana Sex Crime Charges

Intentional sexual contact with a child or a non-consenting adult, whether rape or touching the person’s body for sexual arousal, is a crime in Indiana. 可能的处罚取决于被指控的事件是否包括暴力, a threat of force, the use of weapons to threaten the victim, other “aggravating” factors, and the ages of the victim and defendant. 如果被告被判有罪,加重情节可以加重刑罚.

Under Indiana law, it’s a crime to rape (to have oral, 肛交:肛交或阴道性交,或用物体强行插入他人的生殖器或肛门, threat of force, 或当该人因精神残疾或无意识而丧失行为能力时). Rape is a lower level felony than aggravated rape, which involves using deadly force or a weapon, causing serious bodily injury to the victim, or the use of “date rape” drugs.

性侵犯是指用暴力触摸他人以唤起自己或受害者的性冲动, threat of force, 或者当受害者有严重的精神障碍,他或她无法同意. Sexual battery is also touching a person’s genitals, buttocks or breasts when the person is unaware it occurred.

Innocence, 精神错乱和同意是可能的辩护,如果声称的受害者超过了同意年龄(16岁)。, was conscious and wanted the sexual contact. 在指称受害人和被告年龄相仿的有限法定强奸案件中,同意可作为辩护理由. 如果所谓的受害者是儿童或智力残疾严重到不能同意性行为的人,同意不能作为辩护理由.


Indiana Battery Charges

殴打是一种未经双方同意的触摸行为,可能会被作为重罪或轻罪起诉. 电池造成严重伤害或使用致命武器是重罪. 如果触摸是故意的,或者是在粗鲁、无礼或愤怒的情况下故意的,那将是一种轻罪. 如果它导致身体伤害(对人的身体状况的任何损害), including pain, a bruise or burn), a misdemeanor battery will be punished more severely.

根据印第安纳州的法律,家庭殴打是对某些亲属或恋人造成身体伤害的行为, including current or former spouses, people who live together or have lived together as spouses, and people who are parents.


If you’re facing these kinds of charges, we can help

我们知道印第安纳州刑事司法系统是如何运作的,以及如何利用每个案件的独特情况来制定一个彻底的辩护策略,利用每一个机会来驳回案件, reduction of charges, reduction of sentences, and alternatives to imprisonment. Let us plan the aggressive defense that you will need. To get more information and explore your options, contact Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law today by calling 812-725-8224 or by filling out our online form. The initial consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose. 无论你的案子具体情况如何,我们都会不遗余力地为你争取.

Attorney Marc Tawfik

马克是肯塔基人,他一生的大部分时间都在这个州生活和工作. He is a licensed attorney in Kentucky and Indiana, and his focus is on trial work, including civil litigation and criminal defense. He has represented a wide variety of clients, and he is committed to putting his clients’ needs first. [ Attorney Bio ]

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